Lineage Group:

Skin Tone:
Hair Color:
Eye Color:
Body Build:
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Information for character creation.
Chapter One - First Wave
takes place in the northern region so most of the information provided will be found there.  As the storyline progresses, other regions will become available.

The maps, modules and
Q-Adventure booklets, and other local information may be available for download in pdf format.
Continent: Ballidrous
Northern region

Dark intermediate to dark
Black hair
Green and brown
Light frame
Lineage Grouping Tree
Lineage Distribution
Irshuas have found the sea to be their home.  Most live along the coast and on the islands of the Gulf of Merchants.  They are a displaced people from the west who came over as refugees in an age long ago.  The Irshuas thrive because they are a strong-minded and crafty sea people.  Their customs are from an old and unique tradition passed orally through both song and tales to their children.
Height Weight
Base (m/f) Modifier Base (m/f) Modifier
60/59 in 2d10 140/100 lbs 6d10
Base Modifier
15 yrs 1d4
Life expectancy:

50 to 60 years.

-  Please Note  -

The information here is to help give some diversity and a genetic thread to the people of Enolia.  The details for each lineage group were made to have a general standardization but feel free to add some variations.  Every individual is unique.
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