This page offers basic information for the gamemaster on what players should experience in this kingdom.  Use it to help enrich the gaming experience.
Environment Page
The Kingdom of Dracia is located on the northern coast of Ballidrous.  The region is heavily forested and mountainous.  The summers are brief and the winters long.
Dracia has some of the thickest and tallest forests on Ballidrous.  Mountains dominate the south and western territories while the eastern territories are dotted with peat bogs.  The shorelines to the southwest and west are along Can Bay with the Dabidram Ocean along the north and east.  The southeastern border consists of rugged, mountainous terrain that makes land travel difficult in and out of the region.

Quick Synopsis:  The overall region is heavily forested with rocky terrain.
The kingdom is located on the northern coast of Ballidrous.  The regional climate would be considered mostly oceanic with some subarctic encroachment.  Summers are short dry but the other seasons have regular cycles of precipitation.  The temperature is much cooler than the predominate northern averages and ranges from highs 65 - degrees F in summer to lows 10 - degrees F in winter.

Quick Synopsis:
  Long cold winters with regular precipitation.
Below are the naturally occurring flora and fauna in the region that is found in the Chronicles section.
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