A Quick History of the Kingdom of Dracia
by Finch
Dracia is one of the youngest nations in northern Ballidrous and comes from the efforts of a mass migration of Gloks.  Communities on the western edge of Glokstun began to feel the pressure from the volatile times and were forced to make some hard decisions to protect their families.  From the east, they  feared the wars taking place from feuding clans.  The western borderlands were being encroached on by Ardalian settlements and their expanding empire.  Leaders of the local clans decided on a migration to the west which these settlements eventually become their current homeland.

In 2883 (Ardalian calendar), the majority of the clans favoring this migration pushed to the west, most by large wagon trains.  It was the Tres settlements that kept their progress directed to the west along the northern shorelines and the harsh winter of that year to halt their movement.  In later years, other clans eventually joined the migration or were being faced with becoming a part of the neighboring feuds that had began to culminate in fierce battles and the razing of communities.

The region of Dracia went through many changes in territorial control between clans.  Leaders arose out of the major clans to form dens to protect their communities and warrens.  By 2935, most of the prized farming land and pastures were spoken for and clan control of territory was established.

Current day Dracia still remains dominated by small clans controlling tracts of land.  Feuding between clans is limited to small skirmishes and harsh words.  Overall, the people of Dracia keep to themselves and care little for outsider problems.
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